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Meet the organizers! If you see us at the meetup or anywhere else around Denver, be sure to say hello / introduce yourself.


CJ - he/him - Live Coding Educator @ Coding Garden, Former co-organizer of the Denver Vue.js Meetup, Spends his time writing TypeScript + React + Svelte and Node.js

marlena baker

Marlena Baker - she/her - Full Stack Developer seeking her next Adventure, Former co-organizer of the Denver Vue.js Meetup, Recently fell in love with TypeScript, Lately has been playing around with Vue 3 and Svelte

Will Klein

Will Klein - he/him - Taking a break from being a Senior Design Systems Developer Advocate to spend time with his family, Founder of the HartfordJS meetup in 2013, Co-organizer for React Denver since 2014, Cares a lot about finding speakers from underrepresented groups, Has organized Global Diversity CFP Day workshops in Denver and Boulder


Cassandra aka Cass - she/her - Front-end Instructor @ Turing School, Former planning committee / content and education team for Develop Denver, Spends her time writing Vanilla JS and React, She misses TypeScript, Vue and Node/Express


Josh - he/him - Former React Denver co-organizer, Galvanize Grad, JavaScript advocate, Frontend Open Source Dev with a passion for exploring the World, Tech Startups, and Algorave DJ in training learning the art of blending creativity with live coding & inspiring music